Package 'adobeanalyticsr'

Title: R Client for 'Adobe Analytics' API 2.0
Description: Connect to the 'Adobe Analytics' API v2.0 <> which powers 'Analysis Workspace'. The package was developed with the analyst in mind, and it will continue to be developed with the guiding principles of iterative, repeatable, timely analysis.
Authors: Ben Woodard [aut, cre], Tim Wilson [aut, ctb], Charles Gallagher [ctb], Mark Edmondson [ctb]
Maintainer: Ben Woodard <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.5.0
Built: 2025-02-23 06:03:31 UTC

Help Index

Anomaly Report


Get an anomaly report for one or more metrics


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  date_range = c(Sys.Date() - 31, Sys.Date() - 1),
  granularity = "day",
  segmentId = NA,
  quickView = FALSE,
  anomalyDetection = TRUE,
  countRepeatInstances = TRUE,
  debug = FALSE



Company Id. Taken from the global environment by default if not provided.


Adobe report number


A two length vector of start and end Date objects (default set to show last 30 days)


Metric to request the anomaly detection. If multiple metrics, each metric and date will have it's own row.


Use either hour, day (default), week, or month


Use segments to globally filter the results. Use 1 or many.


Return a list of 3 lists per metric. 1. All Data 2. Data filtered to include only anomalous rows 3. Interactive ggplot line graph


logical statement for including anomaly. Default is TRUE


Should the data include repeat instances


default is FALSE but set to TRUE to see the json request being sent to the Adobe API


If quickView = 'FALSE' (default) then a data frame including the day, metric, data, dataExpected, dataUpperBound, dataLowerBound, and dataAnomalyDetected will be returned. If quickView = 'TRUE' then a list of three lists will be returned. The first list will be a data frame including all the default columns. The second list item will be a filtered data frame that includes rows where dataAnomalyDetected = 'TRUE'. The third list item is a visual made using 'ggplot2' with the error band and points where the dataAnomalyDetected = 'TRUE'. If more than one metric is in the request and quickView is set to TRUE then the lists will be split by each metric requested.

Generate an Access Token for the Adobe Analytics v2.0 API


Note: aw_auth() is the primary function used for authorization. auth_oauth() and auth_s2s() should typically not be called directly.


aw_auth(type = aw_auth_with(), ...)

  file = Sys.getenv("AW_AUTH_FILE"),
  private_key = Sys.getenv("AW_PRIVATE_KEY"),
  jwt_token = NULL,

  file = Sys.getenv("AW_AUTH_FILE"),
  s2s_token = NULL,
  type = "s2s",

  client_id = Sys.getenv("AW_CLIENT_ID"),
  client_secret = Sys.getenv("AW_CLIENT_SECRET"),
  use_oob = TRUE



Either 's2s' or 'oauth'. This can be set explicitly, but a best practice is to run aw_auth_with() to set the authorization type as an environment variable before running aw_auth()


Additional arguments passed to auth functions.


A JSON file containing service account credentials required for JWT authentication. This file can be downloaded directly from the Adobe Console, and should minimally have the fields API_KEY, CLIENT_SECRET, ORG_ID, and TECHNICAL_ACCOUNT_ID.


Filename of the private key for JWT authentication.


(Optional) A custom, encoded, signed JWT claim. If used, client_id and client_secret are still required.


(Optional) A custom, encoded, S2S authentication token.


The client ID, defined by a global variable or manually defined


The client secret, defined by a global variable or manually defined


if FALSE, use a local webserver for the OAuth dance. Otherwise, provide a URL to the user and prompt for a validation code. Defaults to the value of the httr_oob_default default, or TRUE if httpuv is not installed.


The path of the cached token. This is returned invisibly.


  • auth_jwt(): Authenticate with JWT token

  • auth_s2s(): Authenticate with S2S token

  • auth_oauth(): Authorize via OAuth 2.0

See Also


Set authorization options


Get or set various authorization options. If called without an argument, then these functions return the current setting for the requested option (which can be NULL if the option has not been set). To clear the setting, pass NULL as an argument.

aw_auth_with sets the type of authorization for the session. This is used as the default by aw_auth() when no specific option is given.

aw_auth_path sets the file path for the cached authorization token. It should be a directory, rather than a filename. If this option is not set, the current working directory is used instead.

aw_auth_name sets the file name for the cached authorization token. If this option is not set, the default filename is aw_auth.rds







The authorization type: 'oauth', 's2s', or 'jwt'


The location for the cached authorization token. It should be a directory, rather than a filename. If this option is not set, the current working directory is used instead. If the location does not exist, it will be created the first time a token is cached.


The filename, such as aw_auth.rds for the cached authorization token file. The file is stored as an RDS file, but there is no requirement for the .rds file extension. .rds is not appended automatically.


The option value, invisibly

See Also


Get a freeform table


Get a report analogous to a Freeform Table visualization in Analysis Workspace. The function uses the arguments to construct and execute a JSON-based query to the Adobe Analytics API and then returns the results as a data frame.


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  date_range = c(Sys.Date() - 30, Sys.Date() - 1),
  dimensions = c("page", "lasttouchchannel", "mobiledevicetype"),
  metrics = c("visits", "visitors"),
  top = c(5),
  page = 0,
  filterType = "breakdown",
  segmentId = NA,
  metricSort = "desc",
  include_unspecified = TRUE,
  search = NA,
  prettynames = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  check_components = TRUE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


A length-2 vector with a start date and an end date. POSIXt objects are sent as is, for fine control over the date range. Numeric values are automatically converted to dates.


A character vector of dimensions. There is currently a limit of 20 dimension breakdowns. Each dimension value that gets broken down by another dimension requires an additional API call, so the more dimensions that are included, the longer the function will take to return results. This is how the Adobe Analytics API works. Use aw_get_dimensions() to get a list of available dimensions IDs.


A character vector of metrics. Use aw_get_metrics() and aw_get_calculatedmetrics() to get a list of available metrics IDs.


The number of values to be pulled for each dimension. The default is 5 and the "top" is based on the first metric value (along with metricSort). If there are multiple dimensions, then this argument can either be a vector that includes the number of values to include at each level (each breakdown) or, if a single value is used, then that will be the maximum number of values to return at each level. See the Details for information on the unique handling of daterange... values.


Used in combination with top to return the next page of results. Uses 0-based numbering (e.g., top = 50000 and page = 1 will return the top 50,000 items starting at 50,001).


This is a placeholder argument for use as additional functionality is added to the package. Currently, it defaults to breakdown, and that is the only supported value.


A single segment ID or a vector of multiple segment IDs to apply to the overall report. If multiple segmentId values are included, the segments will be effectived ANDed together, just as if multiple segments were added to the header of an Analysis Workspace panel. Use aw_get_segments() to get a list of available segmentId values.


Pre-sorts the table by metrics. Values are either asc (ascending) or desc (descending).


Whether or not to include Unspecified values in the results. This is the equivalent of the Include Unspecified (None) checkbox in freeform tables in Analysis Workspace. This defaults to TRUE, which includes Unspecified values in the results.


Criteria to filter the results by one or more dimensions. Searches are case-insenstive. Refer to the Details for more information on constructing values for this argument.


A logical that determines whether the column names in the results use the API field name (e.g., "mobiledevicetype", "pageviews") or the "pretty name" for the field (e.g., "Mobile Device Type", "Page Views"). This applies to both dimensions and metrics. The default value is FALSE, which returns the API field names. For custom eVars, props, and events, the non-pretty values are simply the variable number (e.g., "evar2", "prop3", "event15"). If TRUE, undoes any efficiency gains from setting check_components to FALSE.


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Specifies whether to check the validity of metrics and dimensions before running the query. This defaults to TRUE, which triggers several additional API calls behind the scenes to retrieve all dimensions and metrics from the API. This has a nominal performance impact and may not be ideal if you are running many queries. If you have many queries, consider implementing validity checking through other means (manually or within the code) and then set this value to FALSE.


This function is based on the Freeform Table visualization in Analysis Workspace. It is accessing the same API call type that is used to generate those visualizations.

Dimension Ordering

Adobe Analytics only queries one dimension at a time, even though the results get returned in a single data frame (or table in the case of Analysis Workspace). The more dimensions are included in the report–the more breakdowns of the data–the more queries are required. As a result, the order of the dimensions can have a dramatic impact on the total query time, even if the resulting data is essentially identical.

One way to understand this is to consider how much dragging and dropping would be required to return the data in Analysis Workspace.

Consider a scenario where you are pulling metrics for the last 30 days (daterangeday) for Mobile Device Type (mobiledevicetype), which has 7 unique values. Setting dimensions = c("daterangeday", "mobiledevicetype") would make one query to get the values of the 30 days included. The query would then run a separate query for each of those 30 days to get the mobiledevicetype results for each day. So, this would be 31 API calls.

If, instead, the function was called with the dimension values reversed (dimensions = c("mobiledevicetype", "daterangeday")), then the first query would return the 7 mobiledevicetype values, and then would run an additional query for each of those 7 mobile device type values to return the results for the 30 days within each device type. This would be only 7 API calls.

Strategically ordering dimensions–and then wrangling the resulting data set as needed–is one of the best ways to improve query performance.

Date Handling

Date handling has several special characteristics that are worth getting familiar with:

  • The API names for day, week, month, etc. are prepended with daterange, so daily data uses daterangeday, weekly data uses daterangeweek, monthly data uses daterangemonth, etc.

  • When setting the argument for top, if the first (or only) dimension value is a daterange... object, then, if this argument is not explicitly specified or if it uses only a single value (e.g., top = 10), the function will still return all of the values that fall in that date range. For instance, if the date_range was set for a 30-day period and the first dimension value was daterangeday, and no value is specified for top, rather than simply returning the first 5 dates in the range, all 30 days will be returned. In the same scenario, if top = 10 was set, then all 30 days would still be returned, and the 10 would simply be applied to the additional dimensions.

  • If you want to return all of the date/time values but then have specific control over the number of values returned for each of the drilldown dimensions, then set 0 as the first value in the top argument and then specify different numbers for each breakdown (e.g., top = c(0, 3, 10) would return all of the date/time values for the specified date_range, the top 3 values for the second specified dimension, and then the top 10 values for each of the next dimension's results).

  • If you are using a daterange... value not as the first dimension, then simply using 0 at the same level in the top argument specification will return all of the values for that date/time value.


There are powerful filtering abilities within the function. However, to support that power requires a syntax that can feel a bit cumbersome for simple queries. Note: search filters are case-insensitive. This is Adobe Analytics API functionality and can not be specified otherwise in queries.

The search argument takes a vector of search strings, with each value in the vector corresponding to the dimension value that is at the same position. These search strings support a range of operators, including AND, OR, NOT, MATCH, CONTAINS, BEGINS-WITH, and ENDS-WITH.

The default for any search string is to use CONTAINS. Consider a query where dimensions = c("mobiledevicetype", "lasttouchchannel"):

  • search = "CONTAINS 'mobile'" will return results where mobiledevicetype contains "mobile", so would return all rows for Mobile Phone.

  • This could be shortened to search = "'mobile'" and would behave exactly the same, since CONTAINS is the default operator

  • search = c("CONTAINS 'mobile'", "CONTAINS 'search'") will return results where mobiledevicetype contains "mobile" and, within those results, results where lasttouchchannel contains "search".

  • search = c("(CONTAINS 'mobile') OR (CONTAINS 'tablet')", "(MATCH 'paid search')") will return results where mobiledevicetype contains "mobile" or "tablet" and, within those results, will only include results where lasttouchchannel exactly matches "paid search" (but is case-insensitive, so would return "Paid Search" values).


A data frame with the specified dimensions and metrics.

See Also

get_me(), aw_get_reportsuites(), aw_get_segments(), aw_get_dimensions(), aw_get_metrics(), aw_get_calculatedmetrics(), aw_segment_table()

Get a list of calculated metrics.


Retrieve a list of available calculated metrics. The results will always include these default items: id, name, description, rsid, owner, polarity, precision, type. Other attributes can be optionally requested through the expansion field.


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsids = NULL,
  ownerId = NULL,
  filterByIds = NULL,
  toBeUsedInRsid = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  name = NULL,
  tagNames = NULL,
  favorite = NULL,
  approved = NULL,
  limit = 1000,
  page = 0,
  sortDirection = "DESC",
  sortProperty = NULL,
  expansion = NULL,
  includeType = "all",
  debug = FALSE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics tied to a specified RSID or list of RSIDs. Specify multiple RSIDs as a vector (i.e., "⁠rsids = c("rsid_1", rsid_2",...rsid_n")⁠"). Use aw_get_reportsuites to get a list of available rsid values.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics owned by the specified loginId.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics in the specified list as specified by a single string or as a vector of strings.


The report suite where the calculated metric is intended to be used. This report suite is used to determine things like compatibility and permissions. If it is not specified, then the permissions will be calculated based on the union of all metrics authorized in all groups the user belongs to. If compatibility is specified for expansion, and toBeUsedInRsid is not, then the compatibility returned is based off of the compatibility from the last time the calculated metric was saved.


The locale that system-named metrics should be returned in. Non-localized values will be returned for title, name, description, etc. if a localized value is not available.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics that contain the specified name. This is case-insensitive and is a simple, single string match.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics that contain one of the tags as specified by a single string or vector of strings.


Set to TRUE to only include calculated metrics that are favorites in the results. A value of FALSE will return all calculated metrics, including those that are favorites.


Set to TRUE to only include calculated metrics that are approved in the results. A value of FALSE will return all calculated metrics, including those that are approved and those that are not.


The number of results to return per page. The default is 1,000.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 10 and page = 1, the results returned would be 11 through 20.


The sort direction for the results: ASC (default) for ascending or DESC for descending. (This is case insensitive, so asc and desc work as well.)


The property to sort the results by. Currently available values are id (default), name, and modified_date. Note that setting expansion = modified returns results with a column added called modified, which is the last date the calculated metric was modified. When using this value for sortProperty, though, the name of the argument is modified_date, because why would we expect locked-in consistency from Adobe?


Additional calculated metric metadata fields to include in the results: reportSuiteName, ownerFullName, modified, tags, definition, compatability, categories. See Details for more information about the quirks of this argument.


Include additional calculated metrics not owned by user. Available values are all (default), shared, and templates. The all option takes precedence over "shared"


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


This function is useful/needed to identify the specific ID of a calculated metric for use in other functions like aw_freeform_report.

The expansion argument accepts the following values, which will then include additional columns in the results:

  • ownerFullName: adds and owner.login columns to the results ( is already included by default).

  • modified: adds a modified column to the output with the date (ISO 8601 format) each calculated metric was last modified.

  • definition: adds multiple columns (the number will vary based on the number and complexity of calculated metrics returns) that provide the actual formula for each of the calculated metrics. This is returned from the API as a JSON object and converted into columns by the function, which means it is pretty messy, so, really, it's not recommended that you use this value.

  • compatability: should add a column with the products that the metric is compatible with, but this behavior has not actually been shown to be true, so this may actually do nothing if included.

  • reportSuiteName: adds a reportSuiteName and a siteTitle column with the friendly report suite name for the RSID.

  • tags: adds a column with an embedded data frame with all of the existing tags that are associated with the calculated metric. This can be a bit messy to work with, but the information is, at least, there.

Multiple values for expansion can be included in the argument as a vector. For instance, expansion = c("tags", "modified") will add both a tags column and a modified column to the output.


A data frame of calculated metrics and their metadata.

See Also


Get list of dimensions


This will generate an extensive list of all the dimensions in the reportsuite.


  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  locale = "en_US",
  segmentable = FALSE,
  reportable = FALSE,
  classifiable = FALSE,
  expansion = NULL,
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites to get a list of available rsid values.


The locale that dimension details should be returned in. The default is en_US.


Boolean that determines whether or not to include dimensions that can be used in segments. FALSE (the default) returns all dimensions (not just the non-segmentable ones). Examples of dimensions that cannot be used in segments are clickmapaction, codeversion, newvisit, and pageurl.


Boolean that determines whether or not to include dimensions that can be used in reports FALSE (the default) returns all dimensions (not just the non-segmentable ones).


Boolean that determines whether or not to include dimensions that can be used in classifications FALSE (the default) returns all dimensions (not just the non-segmentable ones).


Additional dimension metadata to include in the results: tags, allowedForReporting, and categories. This argument takes a single value (e.g., expansion = "tags") or a vector of values (e.g., expansion = c("tags", "categories")).


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


A data frame of dimensions and their meta data.

Get list of metrics


Get a data frame with all of the standard (non-calculated) metrics (measures) in the report suite.


  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  locale = "en_US",
  segmentable = "NULL",
  expansion = NULL,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  debug = FALSE



Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites to get a list of available rsid values.


The locale that system-named metrics should be returned in. Non-localized values will be returned for title, name, description, etc. if a localized value is not available.


Boolean that determines whether or not to include metrics that can be used in segments. NULL (the default) and FALSE return all metrics (not just the non-segmentable ones). Examples of metrics that cannot be used in segments are bounces, ⁠bounce rate⁠, entries, and visitors.


Additional metrics metadata to include in the results: tags, allowedForReporting, and categories. This argument takes a single value (e.g., expansion = "tags") or a vector of values (e.g., expansion = c("tags", "categories")).


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


This function is commonly used to get the correct ID for a specific metric or metrics that will be used in other function calls. The results returned are:

  • All of the "out of the box" metrics like visits, page views, visitors, orders, revenue, bounce rate, etc.

  • All of the enabled events that are configured in the report suite.

  • An instances metric for each enabled eVar.

This function does not return calculated metrics.


A data frame of metrics (excluding calculated metrics) and their meta data.

See Also


Pull a project configuration


Returns a project configuration json string


  projectId = NULL,
  expansion = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The Project id for which to retrieve information


Comma-delimited list of additional project metadata fields to include on response. Available values : reportSuiteName, shares, tags, accessLevel, modified, externalReferences, definition


Locale Default value : en_US


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A json string

Pull a list of projects


A list of projects in the account


  includeType = "all",
  expansion = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  limit = 1000,
  page = 0,
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Include additional projects not owned by user. The "all" option takes precedence over "shared". If neither guided, or project is included, both types are returned


Comma-delimited list of additional project metadata fields to include on response. Available values : reportSuiteName, ownerFullName, modified, tags, accessLevel, externalReferences, definition


Locale Default value : en_US


Number of results per page. Default value: 1000


Page number (base 0 - first page is "0")


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A data frame

Get list of report suites


Retrieve a list of report suites and meta data about each one.


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsids = NULL,
  rsidContains = NULL,
  limit = 10,
  page = 0,
  expansion = NULL,
  debug = FALSE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


Filter the results to include one or more specific report suites. Specify multiple RSIDs as a vector (i.e., "⁠rsids = c("rsid_1", rsid_2",...rsid_n")⁠").


Filter the results list to only include suites that contain the specified string within the RSID. This is case-insensitive and is a simple, single string match.


The number of results to return per page. This argument works in conjunction with the page argument. The default is 10.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 20 and page = 1, the results returned would be 21 through 40.


Additional segment metadata fields to include in the results: name, parentRsid, currency, calendarType, timezoneZoneinfo. This argument takes a single value (e.g., expansion = "name") or a vector of values (e.g., expansion = c("name", "currency")).


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


A data frame of report suites and their meta data.

Get a list of segments


Retrieve all segments or a filtered list of segments


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsids = NULL,
  segmentFilter = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  name = NULL,
  tagNames = NULL,
  filterByPublishedSegments = "all",
  limit = 10,
  page = 0,
  sortDirection = "ASC",
  sortProperty = "id",
  expansion = NULL,
  includeType = "all",
  debug = FALSE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


Filter the list to only include segments tied to a specified RSID or list of RSIDs. Specify multiple RSIDs as a vector (i.e., "⁠rsids = c("rsid_1", rsid_2",...rsid_n")⁠"). Use aw_get_reportsuites to get a list of available rsid values.


Filter list to only include segments in the list of segment IDs (comma-delimited)


The locale that segment details should be returned in. The default is en_US.


Filter the list to only include segments that contain the specified name. This is case-insensitive and is a simple, single string match.


Filter the list to only include segments that contain one of the tags.


Filter the list to only include segments where the published field is set to one of the allowable values: all (the default), TRUE, or FALSE.


The number of results to return per page. This argument works in conjunction with the page argument. The default is 10.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 20 and page = 1, the results returned would be 21 through 40.


The sort direction for the results: ASC (default) for ascending or DESC for descending. (This is case insensitive, so asc and desc work as well.)


The property to sort the results by. Currently available values are id (default), name, and modified_date. Note that setting expansion = modified returns results with a column added called modified, which is the last date the calculated metric was modified. When using this value for sortProperty, though, the name of the argument is modified_date, because why would we expect locked-in consistency from Adobe?


Additional segment metadata fields to include in the results: reportSuiteName, ownerFullName, modified, tags, compatibility, definition, publishingStatus, definitionLastModified, and categories. This argument takes a single value (e.g., expansion = "modified") or a vector of values (e.g., expansion = c("modified", "ownerFullName")).


Include additional segments not owned by the user. Available values are all (default), shared, and templates. The all option takes precedence over "shared".


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


A data frame of segments and their meta data.

Get a list of tags


Retrieve all tag names or search by component id or tag names


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  componentId = NULL,
  componentType = NULL,
  tagNames = NULL,
  limit = 1000,
  page = 0,
  debug = FALSE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


The component id being requested. Default is NULL


The component type being requested. Options include segment, dashboard, bookmark, calculatedMetric, project, dateRange, metric, dimension, virtualReportSuite, scheduledJob, alert, classification. Default is NULL


Comma separated vector of tag names. componentType


The number of results to return per page. This argument works in conjunction with the page argument. The default is 10.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 20 and page = 1, the results returned would be 21 through 40.


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


A data frame of tags and the associated meta data.

Get a segment-row freeform table


This is the equivalent of a freeform table with segments as the row components. This type of table offers a few components that aw_freeform_table does not. For example, this function does not require (or allow) dimensions to be included in the breakdown. Segment IDs are automatically translated into their human-readable names.


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  date_range = c(Sys.Date() - 30, Sys.Date() - 1),
  metrics = c("visits", "visitors"),
  globalSegment = NULL,
  segmentIds = NULL,
  debug = FALSE



Company ID


Report suite ID for the data pull




Date range


Metrics to request for each segment


One or more segments to apply globally over all other segments


One or more segments that will compose the rows of the table


Logical, whether to make verbose requests to the API and view the whole exchange


This is a specialized function. To see segments broken down by dimensions, we recommend making multiple requests to aw_freeform_table with different global segments applied, and then row-binding them together yourself.

Unlike aw_freeform_table, this function automatically handles the 10-metric restriction imposed by the API.


In short, segments are cheap, metrics are expensive. Adding 1 metric is the equivalent of adding 10 segments, judging by the number of requests necessary to collect the data.

Stacking segments

The function does not currently support segment breakdowns, but you can stack segments by applying a global segment to your query.


tibble::tibble() of segments and metrics. Rows are returned with segments in the order they were requested, not by metric sorting.

See Also


OAuth2 Token for Adobe Analytics (deprecated)


This is the legacy mechanism for retrieving the authorization token using OAuth. It has been replaced by aw_auth().



  client_id = Sys.getenv("AW_CLIENT_ID"),
  client_secret = Sys.getenv("AW_CLIENT_SECRET"),
  use_oob = TRUE



defined by global variable or manually defined


defined by global variable or manually defined


for the purpose of testing. Default is set to TRUE


An authorization token is saved the file name aa.oauth. If the file aa.oauth does not exist then one will be created at the end of the authorization process.

See Also


Use a prebuilt json query to pull a ranked report


Organizes the arguments into a json string and then structures the data after the internal function makes the api call. Only runs a single dimension with as many metrics as you want.


aw_workspace_report(req_body = "", company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"))



The json string copied from Workspace


Company Id. Taken from the global environment by default if not provided.


A data frame of dimensions and metrics

Build a Calculated Metric


This function combines formulas to create calculated metrics in Adobe Analytics


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  seg_filter = NULL,
  polarity = "positive",
  precision = 0,
  type = "decimal",
  create_cm = FALSE,
  tagNames = NULL,
  internal = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



This is the name of the new calculated metric (required)


This is the description of the segment (optional)


Formulas are list objects created using the cm_formula() function.


A segment filter to be added to a metric in the formula


Also known as 'Show Upward Trend As' in the UI. Options include 'positive' (default) or 'negative'. This metric polarity setting shows whether Analytics should consider an upward trend in the metric as good (green) or bad (red). As a result, the report’s graph will show as green or red when it’s going up.


Shows how many decimal places will be shown in the report. The maximum number of decimal places you can specify is 10. Also known as 'Decimal Places' in the UI. Default is 0. Must be a numeric.


Choices include Decimal (default), Time, Percent, and Currency. Also known as 'Format' in the UI.


Used to determine if the segment should be created in the report suite or if the definition should be returned to be validated using cm_validate. Default is FALSE


Apply tag names to the newly created calculated metric. Single string or a vector.


Determines if this segment is to be available in the UI. Default is FALSE, meaning the segment will not be available in the UI, nor will the ID be available in the aw_get_segments function call.


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


See more information here


If the "create_cm" argument is set to FALSE a list object definition will be returned. If the "create_cm" argument is set to TRUE and the calculated metric is valid it will return a data frame of the newly created calculated metric id along with some other basic meta data. If it returns an error then the error response will be returned to help understand what needs to be corrected.

Copy a Calculated Metric


This function copies and existing function and creates a duplicate based on the definition.


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  polarity = NULL,
  precision = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  create_cm = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = NULL,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The id of the old calculated metric


This is the name of the new calculated metric. If not provided, the prefix "Copy_" will be added to the existing name. (optional)


This is the description of the segment (optional)


Also known as 'Show Upward Trend As' in the UI. Options include 'positive' or 'negative'. Default is based on original calculated metric definition. This metric polarity setting shows whether Analytics should consider an upward trend in the metric as good (green) or bad (red). As a result, the report’s graph will show as green or red when it’s going up. Default is based on original calculated metric definition.


Shows how many decimal places will be shown in the report. The maximum number of decimal places you can specify is 10. Also known as 'Decimal Places' in the UI. Default is based on original calculated metric definition.


Choices include decimal (default), time, percent, and currency. Also known as 'Format' in the UI. Default is based on original calculated metric definition.


Used to determine if the segment should be created in the report suite or if the definition should be returned to be validated using cm_validate. Default is FALSE


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


See more information here


If the "create_cm" argument is set to FALSE a list object definition will be returned. If the "create_cm" argument is set to TRUE and the calculated metric is valid it will return a data frame of the newly created calculated metric id along with some other basic meta data. If it returns an error then the error response will be returned to help understand what needs to be corrected.

Delete A Calculated Metric Function


Use this function to delete a specific calculated metric.


  id = NULL,
  warn = TRUE,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Calculated Metric ID to be deleted.


Boolean of whether or not to include a warning message.


language - default 'en_US'


Default FALSE. Set this to TRUE to see the information about the api calls as they happen.


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A string confirming the calculated metric is deleted

Create A Calculated Metric Formula


Returns a JSON string formula to be used to build a calculated (derived) metric.


  operator = c("divide", "multiply", "subtract", "add"),
  metrics = c("visits", "singlepagevisits"),
  seg_filters = NA,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Formula operators are divide (default), multiply, subtract, or add.


The one or two metrics in a formula calculation


A vector of segment filters to be added to a metric in the formula


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A JSON string formula to be used in a calculated metric

Create A Calculated Metric Function


Returns a JSON string defining a function to be used to build a calculated (derived) metric.


  func = "col-sum",
  metric = "visits",
  dimension = NULL,
  seg_filter = NULL,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Calculated function id. Only Basic single metric functions are able to be used.


The metric to be used in the functional metric calculation. Default is visits


The dimension to be used in the functional metric calculation. Default is NULL


A segment filter to be added to a metric in the formula


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


Returns a full list of calculated metric functions or a specified function that the user can access.

Update Calculated Metric Functions


Update a specific calculated metric.


  id = NULL,
  updates = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Returns details around a single calculated metric function if you specify the id. You can obtain the desired id by not including an ID value and finding the function in the results.


List of changes or entire JSON definition object.


All calculated metrics endpoints support the URL query parameter locale. Supported values are en_US, fr_FR, ja_JP, de_DE, es_ES, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, and zh_TW. This argument specifies which language is to be used for localized sections of responses.


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


Returns a json string of information about the updated calculated metric

Validate the definition of a Calculated Metric


This function checks if a calculated metric JSON string is valid


  definition = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  migrating = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



json string definition of a calculated metric


The location of the language. en-US is default.


Include migration functions in validation. FALSE is default.


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


See more information here


A string confirming the calculated metric is valid or is not valid.

Get Calculated Metric Functions


Returns a full list of calculated metric functions that the user can access.


  id = NULL,
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Returns details around a single calculated metric function if you specify the id. You can obtain the desired id by not including an ID value and finding the function in the results.


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


Returns a full list of calculated metric functions or a specified function that the user can access.

Get Company Ids


This function will quickly pull the list of company ids that you have access to.


get_me(req_path = "discovery/me")



The endpoint for that particular report


A data frame of company ids and company names


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Get a list of user usage


This function returns the usage and access logs for a given date range within a 3 month period. The user must have Admin Console / Logs permissions (must be able to view the Usage & Access Log data in the web interface) in order to use this function.


  startDate = Sys.Date() - 91,
  endDate = Sys.Date() - 1,
  login = NULL,
  ip = NULL,
  rsid = NULL,
  eventType = NULL,
  event = NULL,
  limit = 100,
  page = 0,
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Start date for the maximum of a 3 month period.


End date for the maximum of a 3 month period.


The login value of the user you want to filter logs by.


The IP address you want to filter logs by.


The report suite ID you want to filter logs by.


The numeric id for the event type you want to filter logs by. Leaving this blank returns all events. See the Usage Logs API Guide for a complete list of event types.


The event description you want to filter logs by. No wildcards are permitted.


The number of results to return per page. This argument works in conjunction with the page argument. The default is 10.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 20 and page = 1, the results returned would be 21 through 40.


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


A data frame of logged events and the event meta data.


## Not run: 
get_usage_logs(startDate = Sys.Date()-91, endDate = Sys.Date()-1, limit = 100, page = 0)

## End(Not run)

Get list of users


Retrieves a list of all users for the company designated by the auth token.


get_users(company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"), limit = 10, page = 0)



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


The number of results to return per page. This argument works in conjunction with the page argument. The default is 10.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 20 and page = 1, the results returned would be 21 through 40.


A data frame of users and their meta data.


## Not run: 
get_users(limit = 10, page = 0)

## End(Not run)

Create a project in Adobe


Creates a new project in Adobe. Note: very early in development


  body = NULL,
  expansion = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The project json string which include the configuration and definition


Comma-delimited list of additional project metadata fields to include on response. Available values : reportSuiteName, shares, tags, accessLevel, modified, externalReferences, definition


Locale Default value : en_US


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A json string

Edit a project in Adobe


Edits an existing project in Adobe. Note: very early in development


  projectId = NULL,
  body = NULL,
  expansion = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The project id to be edited


The json string in list format which includes the edits to be made


Comma-delimited list of additional project metadata fields to include on response. Available values : reportSuiteName, shares, tags, accessLevel, modified, externalReferences, definition


Locale Default value : en_US


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A json string

Build the Segment in Adobe Analytics


This function combines rules, containers and/or sequences into a single JSON string and can then make the post call to create the segment in Adobe Analytics or return the json string for use in other api calls or for validation.


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  containers = NULL,
  rules = NULL,
  sequences = NULL,
  context = "hits",
  conjunction = "and",
  sequence = "in_order",
  sequence_context = "hits",
  exclude = FALSE,
  create_seg = FALSE,
  tagNames = NULL,
  internal = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



This is the name of the new segment (required)


This is the description of the segment (required)


List of the container(s) that make up the segment. Containers are list objects created using the seg_con() function.


List of the rule(s) to create a segment. Rules are list objects created using the seg_rule() function.


List of the rule(s) and sequence container(s) that are combined to make a segment. Sequence containers are list objects created using the seg_seq() function.


Defines the level that the segment logic should operate on. Valid values are visitors, visits, and hits. See Details


This will tell how the different containers and rules should be compared. Use either 'and' or 'or'.


Used to define if the segment should be 'in_order' (default), 'after', or 'before' the sequence of events


Used to define the sequential items context which should be below the container context. ex. if container context is visitors then the sequence_context should be visits or hits


Excludes the main container which will include all rules. Only used when the rule arguments are used.


Used to determine if the segment should be created in the report suite or if the definition should be returned to be used in a freeform table API call. Default is FALSE


Apply tag names to the newly created calculated metric. Single string or a vector.


Determines if this segment is to be available in the UI. Default is FALSE, meaning the segment will not be available in the UI, nor will the ID be available in the aw_get_segments function call.


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.



The rules in a segment have a context that specify the level of operation. The context can be "visitors", "visits" or "hits." As an example, let's build a segment rule where revenue is greater than 0 (meaning a purchase took place) and change the context to see how things change. If the context is set to "visitors", the segment includes all hits from visitors that have a purchase of some kind during a visit. This is useful in analyzing customer behavior in visits leading up to a purchase and possibly behavior after a purchase. If the context is set to "visits", the segment includes all hits from visits where a purchase occurred. This is useful for seeing the behavior of a visitor in immediate page views leading up to the purchase. If the context is set to "hits", the segment only includes hits where a purchase occurred, and no other hits. This is useful in seeing which products were most popular. In the above example, the context for the container listed is hits. This means that the container only evaluates data at the hit level, (in contrast to visit or visitor level). The rows in the container are also at the hit level.


If the "create_seg" argument is set to FALSE a JSON string definition will be returned. If the "create_seg" argument is set to TRUE and the segment is valid it will return a data frame of the newly created segment id along with some other basic meta data. If it returns an error then the error response will be returned to help understand what needs to be corrected.

Create the segment container


This function combines rules into a container.


seg_con(context = "hits", conjunction = "and", rules = NULL, exclude = FALSE)



Defines the level that the segment logic should operate on. Valid values are visitors, visits, and hits. See Details


This defines the relationship of the rules. And (default) and or are the two options.


List of rules and/or containers. Must be wrapped in a list() function. Adding a container list item will nest it within a container.


Exclude the entire container



The rules in a segment have a context that specify the level of operation. The context can be "visitors", "visits" or "hits." As an example, let's build a segment rule where revenue is greater than 0 (meaning a purchase took place) and change the context to see how things change. If the context is set to "visitors", the segment includes all hits from visitors that have a purchase of some kind during a visit. This is useful in analyzing customer behavior in visits leading up to a purchase and possibly behavior after a purchase. If the context is set to "visits", the segment includes all hits from visits where a purchase occurred. This is useful for seeing the behavior of a visitor in immediate page views leading up to the purchase. If the context is set to "hit", the segment only includes hits where a purchase occurred, and no other hits. This is useful in seeing which products were most popular. In the above example, the context for the container listed is hits. This means that the container only evaluates data at the hit level, (in contrast to visit or visitor level). The rules in the container are also at the hit level.


a structured list of containers to be used to build the segment

Copy a segment in Adobe Analytics


This function copies and existing function and creates a duplicate based on the definition.


  name = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  polarity = NULL,
  precision = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  create_seg = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = NULL,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The id of the old segment


This is the name of the new segment. If not provided, the prefix "Copy_" will be added to the existing name. (optional)


This is the description of the segment (optional)


Also known as 'Show Upward Trend As' in the UI. Options include 'positive' or 'negative'. Default is based on original segment definition. This metric polarity setting shows whether Analytics should consider an upward trend in the metric as good (green) or bad (red). As a result, the report’s graph will show as green or red when it’s going up. Default is based on original segment definition.


Shows how many decimal places will be shown in the report. The maximum number of decimal places you can specify is 10. Also known as 'Decimal Places' in the UI. Default is based on original segment definition.


Choices include decimal (default), time, percent, and currency. Also known as 'Format' in the UI. Default is based on original segment definition.


Used to determine if the segment should be created in the report suite or if the definition should be returned to be validated using seg_val. Default is FALSE


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


See more information here


If the "create_seg" argument is set to FALSE a list object definition will be returned. If the "create_seg" argument is set to TRUE and the segment is valid it will return a data frame of the newly created segment id along with some other basic meta data. If it returns an error then the error response will be returned to help understand what needs to be corrected.

Delete A Segment


Use this function to delete a specific segment in Adobe Analytics


  id = NULL,
  warn = TRUE,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



Segment ID to be deleted.


Boolean of whether or not to include a warning message.


language - default 'en_US'


Default FALSE. Set this to TRUE to see the information about the api calls as they happen.


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


A string confirming the segment has or has not been deleted

Create the segment rule


This function creates the simple rule of a segment.


  dimension = NULL,
  metric = NULL,
  verb = NULL,
  object = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  is_distinct = FALSE,
  attribution = "repeating",
  attribution_context = "visitors",
  validate = FALSE,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



This is the subject of the rule. The value should be the dimension id. Only the dimension or metric can be used at a time.


This is the subject of the rule. The value should be the metric id. Only the dimension or metric can be used at a time.


Choose from any of the 30 different verbs. Use the seg_verbs package data to see all available verbs along with the descriptions.


This is the object of the rule and answers the question what or ⁠how many⁠


The internal description for the rule. (optional) This will not show in the UI but could be very helpful when using the API.


This will segment on a distinct count of items within a dimension. Examples: “Visitors who viewed more than 5 distinct products,” or “Visits where more than 5 distinct pages were seen.”


Define the type of attribution. Either repeating (default), instance, or nonrepeating. See Details for more information.


When applying a non-repeating instance attribution model to a rule the context for the attribution must be visitors (default) or visits


Set to TRUE when metric or dimension validation is preferred. Default is FALSE. Validation will slow down the function response time but ensure a valid rule result.


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


Attribution Models Available for dimensions only, these models determine what values in a dimension to segment for. Dimension models are particularly useful in sequential segmentation.

  • repeating (default): Includes instances and persisted values for the dimension.

  • instance: Includes instances for the dimension.

  • nonrepeating instance: Includes unique instances (non-repeating) for the dimension. This is the model applied in Flow when repeat instances are excluded.


A structured list defining the rule for a segment

Create the segment sequence container


This function combines rules into a sequence container.


  context = "visits",
  rules = NULL,
  sequence = "in_order",
  exclude = FALSE,
  exclude_checkpoint = NULL



Defines the level that the segment logic should operate on. Valid values for sequential segments is visitors and visits. See Details


List of rules created using seg_rule() function. Must be wrapped in a list() function.


How should the sequence of items be considered. Options: in_order (default), before, after, and, or


Excludes the entire sequence container which will include all rules.


Which checkpoints (rules) should be excluded. Example c(1, 4). See Details



The rules in a segment have a context that specify the level of operation. The context can be "visitors", "visits" or "hits." As an example, let's build a segment rule where revenue is greater than 0 (meaning a purchase took place) and change the context to see how things change. If the context is set to "visitors", the segment includes all hits from visitors that have a purchase of some kind during a visit. This is useful in analyzing customer behavior in visits leading up to a purchase and possibly behavior after a purchase. If the context is set to "visits", the segment includes all hits from visits where a purchase occurred. This is useful for seeing the behavior of a visitor in immediate page views leading up to the purchase. If the context is set to "hits", the segment only includes hits where a purchase occurred, and no other hits. This is useful in seeing which products were most popular. In the above example, the context for the container listed is hits. This means that the container only evaluates data at the hit level, (in contrast to visit or visitor level). The rows in the container are also at the hit level.

Exclude checkpoint

Ensures the next checkpoint doesn't happen between the preceding checkpoint and the subsequent checkpoint. If there is no subsequent checkpoint then the excluded checkpoint must not occur at any point after the preceding checkpoint. If there is no preceding checkpoint then the excluded checkpoint must not have occurred at any point preceding the subsequent checkpoint.

More Information

Sequential segments can be difficult to get right. Referencing this article can help:


a structured list of containers to be used to build the segment

Create the segment sequence then object


This function creates a then list object which restricts the time constraint of a segment to be added to a sequence segment.


seg_then(limit = "within", count = 1, unit = "year")



The limitation of the restriction. Either within (default) or after


How many of the units should be used. 1 is set as default.


A unit of time. Valid values are hit, visit, minute, hour, day, week (default), month, quarter, or year. Always use the singular form.


Combining seg_then arguments

In the UI you can add 'after' and 'within' statements to create a more complex time restriction. The same can be accomplished using this function by listing the limits, counts, and units in a c() function. This would look like: ⁠limit = c('within', 'after'), count = c(5, 1), unit = c('hit', 'visit')⁠

Using within and after in the same time seg_then function call

Time restrictions can only be combined using 'within' first before 'after'. The function will automatically align these to be in the correct list item order.

A word about unit values

Currently pageviews and dimensions are not supported unit values.


a structured list of time restrictions to be used to build the sequential segment

Update A Segment


Update a specific segment


  id = NULL,
  updates = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The id of the segment you are wanting to update


List of changes or entire definition object as a list object.


The URL query parameter locale. Supported values are en_US, fr_FR, ja_JP, de_DE, es_ES, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, and zh_TW. This argument specifies which language is to be used for localized sections of responses.


Set to TRUE to publish the full JSON request(s) being sent to the API to the console when the function is called. The default is FALSE.


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


json string of updated segment information

Validate a segment


Returns a segment validation response for a segment contained in a json string object.


  segment_body = NULL,
  rsid = Sys.getenv("AW_REPORTSUITE_ID"),
  debug = FALSE,
  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID")



The json string of the segment that is being validated (required)


Adobe report suite ID (RSID). If an environment variable called AW_REPORTSUITE_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no rsid argument is provided, then the AW_REPORTSUITE_ID value will be used. Use aw_get_reportsuites() to get a list of available rsid values.


This enables the api call information to show in the console for help with debugging issues. default is FALSE


Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me() to get a list of available company_id values.


If the segment is valid a message saying the segment validates is returned. If the segment doesn't validate the errors are returned in a data frame.

Verbs available in segment rules.


A dataset containing the list of available verbs to be used in segment rules.




A data frame with 34 rows and 5 variables:


one of number, string, or exists


gives the context of the type of value is expected, either string, list, glob, number, or exists


the actual verb id to be used in the segment defition


a simple description of the verb


specifies what argument to use when building the segment verb function



Add a tag to a component


Enables the creation of a new tag and applies the new tag to the passed component


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  componentId = NULL,
  componentType = NULL,
  tagNames = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


The component id being requested. Default is NULL


The component type being requested. Options include segment, dashboard, bookmark, calculatedMetric, project, dateRange, metric, dimension, virtualReportSuite, scheduledJob, alert, classification. Default is NULL


Comma separated vector of tag names.


Overwrite the existing tag names on a component. To append a new tag name use FALSE (default). To overwrite the existing tags on a component use TRUE.


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


A data frame of segments and their meta data.